Use of logos and marks
These conditions for the use of the MSS Global logo and marks summarise how they may be used to promote registration of management systems. MSS Global clients are encouraged to make use of marks to publicise certification and registration, but particular care should be taken to ensure that the regulations governing the use of the marks, and how they are displayed, are complied with, and the reputation of MSS Global as a Certification Body, and the relevant standard are not undermined. Certification status, dates, entity(ies), main site address and the scope of certification are considered public information and will be listed on Accreditation Body public databases as appropriate (such as and
The MSS Global Certification Mark comprises the MSS Global logo, where appropriate the Accreditation Body, and the name of the standard. The MSS Global certificate and logo are specific and exclusive to the Client and can be traced to each individual Client to minimise the risk of logo plagiarism. Reproduction of the marks must reflect accurately the original artwork provided, in particular, the proportions of the different elements must be maintained. The Conditions of use for the scheme relevant Accreditation Body accreditation symbols may be found on their respective websites.
MSS Global Certified clients are provided with an MSS Global Certificate of Award, stating which standard the company is certified against and within a described scope of activity or service. This should be used to identify which mark(s) may be used by the organisation.
Subsidiary companies and site addresses, and additional elements and services within the company’s operations but outwith the assured and audited scope are not covered by the company's certification and registration. As such they must not make use of MSS Global marks or imply that they are certified.
MSS Global permit its clients to use a statement on product packaging or accompanying information to demonstrate that the product has been manufactured under a certified management system. Product packaging is considered as that which can be removed without the product disintegrating or being damaged. Accompanying information is considered as separately available or easily detachable. Type labels or identification plates are considered as part of the product. The statement shall in no way imply that the product, process or service is certified by this means. The statement shall include reference to:
a) identification (e.g. brand or name) of the certified client;
b) the type of management system (e.g. quality, environment) and the applicable standard;
c) MSS Global as issuing the certificate.
Contravention of the regulations governing the use of logos and marks, or misleading use of any MSS Global mark, including misleading claims or inferences about the certification provided by MSS Global, could result in a request for corrective action, withdrawal of a company's Certification, publication of the transgression and, if necessary, legal action.
Directors: Reviewed 30 April 2024