Preparation and support
For ISO 18788 and PSC.1
Accessible and affordable support - globally
ISO 18788 and PSC.1 company awareness education
While we are able to organize generic internal auditor courses, drawing on our security and ethical assurance specialty, we believe our best support is through Appreciation and Interpretation education packages. Taking for example, ISO 18788 and PSC-1, the course intent is to take nominated internal auditors and management function leads (eg HR, operations, logistics etc) and build a high level of familiarity with the standards, so that they can then go back to their respective areas and ensure the standards are being implemented correctly in line with internationally recognized best management practice. The course focuses on PSC1/ISO18788 as they form a comprehensive risk based quality assurance management system for security operations that for a company that delivers security services, underwrites the tenets of other contributing management system standards. It also helps to ‘future-proof’ an organization's internal auditing capability by enshrining an enterprise ‘risk-approach’. The training for this course also encompasses reference to ISO 9001:2015 where appropriate to ensure operating context, leadership and delivery through understanding of the risks takes prominence.